Benefit Corporations
Delaware is enacting new Subchapter XV in its
corporate laws to allow so-called Public Benefit Corporations. California did this in 2012. Not to be confused with nonprofit public benefit corporations, they are for-profit but allow
business to be conducted for reasons other than maximizing profits. Delaware is the 19th state to
allow these and the legislation is expected to become effective as early as
August 1. Benefit Corporations
supposedly allow for-profit corporations to focus on things other than profit
without fear of shareholder litigation.
It seems to us that they always have been socially responsible, but to
those not paying attention or already indoctrinated in the corporations-are-evil
school, maybe this makes them feel better.
They haven’t gotten a ton of traction yet but they could. Any responsible business person is going to
consider all of the social, environmental, employment, and other ramifications
of their business’ impact on its community and I would argue those kinds of
concerns are allowable in typical for profit corporations anyhow. These Public Benefit Corporations are kind of
the flavor of the month. How many
companies stopped doing business with South Africa due to its policies of
apartheid? How many were successfully
sued for passing up those filthy South African rands? The government nannies would always have you
believe that unfettered business will always take the low road, but there is no
evidence of that. Henry Ford raised salaries
not because of a mandate or regulation; he did it because his assembly line innovations
made it possible. Most successful
businesses really care about their employees.
No one who cares about their employees are going to make less desirable
their employees’ communities. Anyone who
says differently is ignorant. Sure, there
are bad apples but the market weeds them our far faster and far more efficiently
than some rule.
-- Paul Marotta
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